Certified Information Security System Implementer


Information Security Professionals are at the forefront in carrying out their organization's vision on information security including having the right policies and procedures, governance, and employee training. This makes it an exciting and challenging position for any security professional to aspire to. The world of information security is becoming ever more complex.

Course Summary

The global shortage of information security professionals makes the field of information security one with huge career potential for the future. Due to the increase in security issues that are rising in line with the digitization of products and services, it's unlikely that this shortage will end anytime soon.

When you are certified by MIRAR as a Certfied Information Security Systems Implementor, you are extensively trained and tested not only on Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) requirements (ISO/IEC 27001 standard) but also in ensuring the ISMS are being run to ensure that organizations comply to Personal Data Protection Act, aware of Risk Management in Information Technology (banks) and Business Continuity Management (BCM).

ISO27001 Information Security Management System

ISO 27001's best-practice approach enables individuals to help their organisations to manage their information security by addressing people, processes and technology.

Risk and Opportunity Management

Focus on proactively assessing Risks and Opportunities for visualizing information security threats and early detection systems through both physical and cyber-security measures.

Integrated Management Systems

An integrated management system (IMS) combines all internal management practices of a business into one system for easier management and operations.


CISMSI candidates must have a minimum of five years of professional experience in information security, information technology, auditing or risk management-related field.

Course Details

MIRAR CISMSI Certification


MIRAR: Certified Information Security Management Systems Implementer (CISMSI)


1 Month


Certified Information Security Management Systems Implementer (CISMSI)

Delivery Format



