Big Data Analytics with Excel Dashboard

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Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. Big data can be analysed for insights that lead to better decisions making.

Microsoft Excel is a great tool for analysing data. It's especially handy for making data analysis available to the average person in organization. Excel is the most used spreadsheet software across the globe, and is considered essential in many industries like administration, accounting, construction, real estate, sales and marketing.

An Excel Dashboard provides insight, analysis and alerts. They are fully interactive and dynamic and can help with project management, customer service, retail management, financial forecasting and much more.

This course explores into the essentials of Excel dashboard creation. It begins by emphasizing the importance of grasping big data concepts and then proceeds to demonstrate how to streamline data using Pivot tables and Pivot charts. Participants engage in hands-on exercises based on real-life scenarios, enabling them to acquire the skills needed to independently design and complete Excel dashboards. By the end of the workshop, participants will possess a solid understanding of data manipulation, visualization, and dashboard construction, equipping them with valuable tools for data-driven decision-making.

Target Participant
  • Managers & Team Leaders: Decision-makers who rely on data-driven insights for strategic planning.
  • Marketing Professionals: Those who want to analyze customer data, sales trends, and other relevant metrics.
  • Academics and Students: In fields such as business, data science, and finance looking to enhance their data visualization skills.
  • Small Business Owners: Who might not have access to advanced analytics tools but still need to derive insights from large data sets.
  • Excel Users: Looking to upgrade their skills and harness the power of Excel for big data analytics.
Course Objective
  • Attain a comprehensive understanding of big data components.
  • Proficiently link, export, and consolidate data while working with external data through pivot tables and pivot charts.
  • Effectively create an interactive visual dashboard
  • Learning Outcome

    Upon completion, participants will able to

    • Demonstrate the value of big data.
    • Analyze data with the use of pivot table and pivot charts.
    • Create dashboard to summarize and visualize the data.
    • Perform decision making from the visualize dashboard.
    Course Content
    Day 1

    Module 1: Introduction to Big Data Analytics

    • What is Big Data?
    • Sources of big data
    • Big data structure
    • Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business
    • Overview of data analytics tools with a focus on Excel
    • Class activity:
      • Kahoot! Quiz Big Data Questions
      • Big Data Exploration Challenge

    Module 2: Pivot Table, Pivot Charts and Data Relations

    • Data Modelling in Excel
    • Conditional Formatting, Formula and Function
    • Data Sorting, Filtering and Slicers
    • Data Validation and Cleaning
    • Pivot Table basics
    • Pivot Chart basics
    • Create data relationships and queries
    • Class activity:
      • Pivot chart challenge
      • Formula and function challenge

    Day 2

    Module 3: Building Dynamic Dashboard

    • What and Why Dashboard?
    • Dashboard elements
    • Build Dashboard
    • Customize and Navigating Dashboard
    • Data visualization using Power View
    • Dashboard Do’s and Don’ts
    • Class activity:
      • Kahoot! For Dashboard questions

    Module 4: Sample Scenario and Reviewing Dashboard

    • Scenario to visualize dashboard
    • Possible decision making from visualize dashboard
    • Class activity:
      • Develop and create dashboard from the scenario given.
      • Interpret the visualizations and draw insights from the data.
    Course Details

    Big Data Analytics with Excel Dashboard

    Type of Course

    Technical Course


    2 days / 21 hours

    • Theory - To develop the understanding among the participants about the theories of the course.
    • Class Activities - Participants will engage in interactive activity sessions.